In accordance with the Mo Ibrahim Index, Its projected that
in less done three generations, 41% of the world's youths will be African and
that by 2035, Africa's labor force will be larger than China's, Lets take a
case study of Uganda,
It is estimated to have a total population of 38million Ugandans of which 78%
are under the age of 35 years and 50% of Ugandans are under the age of 15
years. However the youths have been left out by both the government and other
key stakeholders in the planning and programming processes which directly
affect the populace of which almost 80% are young people making all efforts
fruitless to address our issues.
The young people are now educated, energetic and innovative however they have
been left out and over 90% of youths in Uganda are leaving in absolute
poverty and have been left to vices and diseases that have affected us to the
nerves. we are the prostitutes, HIV/AIDS victims, we are the thieves, we are
drug abusers, rapists and abusers of all kinds of laws but yet the government
and key stake holders have again just taken advantage of us, they abuse us sexually,
deny us our rights, and think we are incapable, they are plundering all public recourses
which would have built us schools, Hospitals and good infrastructure to provide
us with basic needs. For example the on going scandal in Uganda in the Office of the prime
minister where 100s of billions of donor money have been lost to corruption. We
the youths are endangered but yet I know for sure that the future is in the
hands of the youths. But this can not be achieved amidst uncontrolled youths
pregnancy , HIV/AIDS, Poor health and absolute poverty.
Its upon this background that I call for handover of power to the young people
in Uganda let the young
people lead innovations and production and we will see development at the
fastest rate in Africa..
Close to 40% of youths in Uganda are either semi-skilled or full professionals
but yet lie back home idle with nothing to do due to the great levels of
unemployment and lack of access to credit facilities in Uganda and yet almost
every month, thousands of graduates are injected into the economy to search for
Jobs. A lot of critics have already blamed many institutes for creating Job
seekers rather than Job creators.
I believe they are absolutely right because for every single Job advertised in
the media, over six hundred applicants are received.
There is need for practical skills development and entrepreneurship learning’s
and sharing where the governments in Africa
must array all their armada towards funding youths innovation and leadership.
its no doubt that fifty years from now, we will be the elders in our countries
so the earlier we are given the opportunity to plan for our future the better
Africa will be by 2062.
The future belongs to the youths.
kakaire Wilber
Programe officer ICS/D4L
Restless Development